
Perfect Picnic Deviled Eggs – 26 pieces

There is just something perfect about my deviled eggs, in my humble opinion. We love to serve them with your welcome glass of bubbly.

Perfect Picnic Deviled Eggs

1 dozen eggs

1/4 cup mayonnaise

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 TBL sweet pickle relish

1/2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp onion powder

1 tsp white vinegar

a few dashes of hot sauce

salt and black pepper

To make perfect hard-boiled eggs: Place eggs in a large pot and cover with water by one inch. Bring to a full boil and then turn down the heat and simmer uncovered for exactly 13 minutes. Remove pot from heat and drain water. Fill the pot immediately with ice if you want to easily peel the shells from your eggs. Once cool, drain ice water and gently roll eggs against the inside of the pan until well cracked. Peel eggs, rinse, and lay on a paper towel to dry.

Slice eggs in half lengthwise. Gently remove yolks with your hand or a small spoon and place them in a bowl. Add remaining ingredients and mash with a fork until smooth. Use a whisk to whip until light and fluffy, adding a bit more mayo if needed. It is important that you taste the filling and season with salt and pepper. Fill each egg half with a scoop of the filling. Place on a serving platter and dust with paprika.